By the Numbers...
- 328 staff registered or 71% of the staff
- 261 people completed the entire program (80% of registered participants)
- 2610 Staff Training Hours were earned
- 100% of the registered participants complete the program at 9 branches and 4 administrative departments: Aldine, Barbara Bush, Crosby, Katherine Tyra, Kingwood, Maud Marks, North Channel, South Houston, West University, the Director's Office, eBranch, Marketing & Programming, and Materials Selection-Adult.
- 2500+ pieces of bling were sent out using hundreds of envelopes and thousands of labels.
Thanks go out to the iHCPL Team:
Daisy Camarillo - FM
Sandra Dies - ADM
Dave Eames - NC
Bruce Farrar - ADM
Mark Haywood - ALD
Shane Harris - TOM
Beth Krippel - ATA
Grace Lillevig - ADM
Monica Norem - CYF
Rhiannon Perry - LAP
Sandra Silvey - BC
Linda Stevens - ADM
Fay Wood - ADM
Special thanks to:
- Beth for writing, directing, and producing the videos
- A whole cadre of staff - who are too numerous to name - who acted in and helped out with the videos
- Fay, Grace, Monica, and Rhiannon for reading and tracking thousands of posts
- Abby Buchold, Grace, and Linda for packing and sending out bling each week.
I think this was some of the most useful library training I've had, as it was all about technology and a lot of fun. Thanks for all the time and effort it must have taken!
Elise, CYF
Congratulations to the entire Maud Marks staff. We ALL completed the 23 Things training. Sylvia, our branch librarian, encouraged us and provided the help we needed to persevere. Everyone stepped up and did what they could do to help those who had fallen behind because of vacation, college, or other distractions. Great job, Maud. We look forward to our next challenge. Right?
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